Using in Unity
This article describes how to integrate DryWetMIDI in a Unity project. You have two main ways:
- import the DryWetMIDI asset (or DryWetMIDI.Nativeless one) from the Unity Asset Store;
- install the library manually.
There are also ways to import a NuGet package via 3d party tools (for example, NuGetForUnity).
Unity asset
It's the simplest way. Just use built-in ways to import the official DryWetMIDI asset (or DryWetMIDI.Nativeless one) into your Unity project from the Asset Store.
Manual installation
Instruction below shows how to integrate the full version of the DryWetMIDI into your Unity project manually. If you want to use the nativeless version, just take an archive with -nativeless suffix on the second step and skip the third one.
Create Melanchall folder in project's Assets folder and DryWetMIDI subfolder within the Melanchall one.
Download the library main binary:
- for master branch take DryWetMIDI.<release_number> archive from Releases (<release_number> is the number of the library release you want to take binaries of);
- for develop branch go to and download DryWetMIDI.<release_number> from
Download native binaries required to work with MIDI devices and default playback:
- for master branch take DryWetMIDI.<release_number> archive from Releases;
- for develop branch go to and download DryWetMIDI.<release_number> from
(master branch contains code that the library releases built on. develop one is for current development so if you need the latest API, use this branch)
Extract archives into project's Assets → Melanchall → DryWetMIDI folder.
Now you can use DryWetMIDI API in your Unity scripts.
Following sample script (included in demo scene within the full DryWetMIDI package) will create a MIDI file containing all possible notes with length of 1/8
and will play the file via Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth
output device:
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Melanchall.DryWetMidi.Common;
using Melanchall.DryWetMidi.Composing;
using Melanchall.DryWetMidi.Core;
using Melanchall.DryWetMidi.Interaction;
using Melanchall.DryWetMidi.Multimedia;
using Melanchall.DryWetMidi.Standards;
using UnityEngine;
public class DemoScript : MonoBehaviour
private const string OutputDeviceName = "Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth";
private OutputDevice _outputDevice;
private Playback _playback;
private void Start()
var midiFile = CreateTestFile();
private void OnApplicationQuit()
Debug.Log("Releasing playback and device...");
if (_playback != null)
_playback.NotesPlaybackStarted -= OnNotesPlaybackStarted;
_playback.NotesPlaybackFinished -= OnNotesPlaybackFinished;
if (_outputDevice != null)
Debug.Log("Playback and device released.");
private void InitializeOutputDevice()
Debug.Log($"Initializing output device [{OutputDeviceName}]...");
var allOutputDevices = OutputDevice.GetAll();
if (!allOutputDevices.Any(d => d.Name == OutputDeviceName))
var allDevicesList = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, allOutputDevices.Select(d => $" {d.Name}"));
Debug.Log($"There is no [{OutputDeviceName}] device presented in the system. Here the list of all device:{Environment.NewLine}{allDevicesList}");
_outputDevice = OutputDevice.GetByName(OutputDeviceName);
Debug.Log($"Output device [{OutputDeviceName}] initialized.");
private MidiFile CreateTestFile()
Debug.Log("Creating test MIDI file...");
var patternBuilder = new PatternBuilder()
foreach (var noteNumber in SevenBitNumber.Values)
var midiFile = patternBuilder.Build().ToFile(TempoMap.Default);
Debug.Log("Test MIDI file created.");
return midiFile;
private void InitializeFilePlayback(MidiFile midiFile)
Debug.Log("Initializing playback...");
_playback = midiFile.GetPlayback(_outputDevice);
_playback.Loop = true;
_playback.NotesPlaybackStarted += OnNotesPlaybackStarted;
_playback.NotesPlaybackFinished += OnNotesPlaybackFinished;
Debug.Log($"Output device [{OutputDeviceName}] initialized.");
private void StartPlayback()
Debug.Log("Starting playback...");
private void OnNotesPlaybackFinished(object sender, NotesEventArgs e)
LogNotes("Notes finished:", e);
private void OnNotesPlaybackStarted(object sender, NotesEventArgs e)
LogNotes("Notes started:", e);
private void LogNotes(string title, NotesEventArgs e)
var message = new StringBuilder()
.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, e.Notes.Select(n => $" {n}")))
Pay attention to OnApplicationQuit
method. You should always take care about disposing of MIDI devices. Without it all resources taken by the device will live until GC collects them. In the case of Unity, it means Unity may need to be reopened to be able to use the same devices again (for example, on Windows).