Namespace Melanchall.DryWetMidi.MusicTheory
Represents a chord as a set of notes names.
Represents a chord progression as a set of chords.
Utilities for working with Chord.
Represents a musical interval in terms of half steps number.
Definition of a musical interval which is number and quality.
Represents a note, i.e. note name and octave.
Provides utilities for working with the Note.
Contains all available MIDI notes.
Represents an octave defined by its number.
Represents a musical scale.
Provides intervals sequences for known musical scales.
Provides useful utilities for working with Scale.
Represents a chord's quality.
Direction of a musical interval represented by the Interval.
The default is Up.
Represents an interval's quality.
Name of a note of the 12-tone chromatic scale.
Represents specific note (degree) of a musical scale.